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Choosing the right EMR is an important step to ensuring frustration-free charting, accurate documentation and effective document management. The EMR Vendor Service List (VSL) is an Excel spreadsheet with over three dozen popular EMRs, many of their features and relevant notes effective as of October 2022. Additional EMRs can be added by clients for comparison. The EMR VSL saves providers and administrators from having to do initial research on the included EMRs and allows them to focus on the features most meaningful to their practice. Note: The EMR VSL does not include all EMRs or reflect the costs and features for all EMRs included.
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The Practice Consultants Vendor Service List includes consultants who will start, support and manage a practice, legal resources and vendors offering practices a new direction, including transition from ownership. From practices looking for a fresh start to an established provider looking for "the next step" after practice ownership, exploring practice consultants, legal resources and transition options can help identify potential options.
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The Practice Management Vendors Service List includes vendors providing services or support for: 1) Operational support services, such as recuring payment processing, retail sales, online forms, business planning and document management; 2) Virtual support services, (remote functions including receptionist, bookkeeping, data management, event coordination, appointment scheduling, verification, patient intake, referrals, etc.); and 3) Clinical support services, such as online supplement dispensary, lab ordering, functional medicine patient intake, etc.
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