Information and connections for Integrative, Holistic and Functional Medicine providers and administrators to launch, manage and expand a practice.
- No subscription required to view posts, ask a question or visit resources under the “Free Resources” tab.
- A Tier One subscription starts at $49 a month with no long-term commitment.
- Explore resources and discover vendors to maximize your time.
- Click Here to sign up for The Support Platform email list for news, practice management tips and promotions.
How TSP Works
The Support Platform is a conduit to practice management information and resources for all types of medical practices to find vendors and access programs specific to their situation. Providers choose the subscription tier that works for them. The Support Platform is constantly looking to inform providers of new opportunities and relevant guidance.
Why Use the Platform
What is an hour of your time worth? Most likely, your time is worth more than the cost of a TSP subscription, while using TSP frees valuable time that can be better spent seeing patients, working with the staff or enjoying personal interests. Using TSP saves time and money by connecting practices to relevant information and vendors instead of starting each search from scratch.
Vendors & Services
- Practice Guidance
- Practice Review
- Program Platform
- Medical Malpractice
- OSHA/ID Compliance
- Payroll Processing
- Virtual Support
- Electronic Medical Records
- Credentialing
- Practice Consultants
- Expert Witnesses
- Operational Tools
- Clinical Tools
Got questions? Get answers.
- Only 25% of new practices survive.
- Compliance violations can result in civil, criminal and financial penalties (see below).
- Practices don’t suffer from a lack patients; practices suffer from a lack of efficiency.
- Customize your support; only pay a consultant when necessary.