Compare Subscription Tiers
Tier No Tier Tier One Tier Two Tier Three
Cost Free $49/mo $99/mo $249/mo*
Review Posts Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ask a Question Yes Yes Yes Yes
Practice Guidance No Yes Yes Yes
Quick Call (15-30 minutes) No Yes Yes Yes
Practice Review No $750 $600 $450
Business Plan No No $2,750 $2,000
Vendor Referrals No Yes Yes Yes
Vendor Service Lists** No No Yes Yes
Additional Users No No No $25 per month
Consulting Hour Charge No $200 $170 $140

*Initial three-month term for Tier Three


Independent practices know that their providers and staff have to make good use of their time. People are spread thin multi-tasking patient care, document management, patient payments, marketing, etc. The Support Platform allows providers, administrators and practices to implement services as it best serves their objectives and budget. Here are six examples of how providers and practices may utilize The Support Platform.

Scenario #1
Tier Potential Use of TSP

A provider considering
starting a new practice

Tier One Subscription: $49
Ask a Question: Included
Practice Guidance: Included

Quick Call: Included

The provider has a quick call to identify relevant practice guidance and vendor referrals to decide whether or not to proceed with starting a new practice. If they no longer have a use for The Support Platform, the provider can cancel their subscription and can sign up again when needed.

Tier One Subscription: $49 per month

TOTAL COST: $49 for one month


Scenario #2
Tier Potential Use of TSP

A provider starting a new practice

Tier One Subscription: $49
Ask a Question: Included
Practice Guidance: Included

Quick Call: Included

The provider has a quick call and then completes a practice questionnaire for a new practice followed by a discussion, a written summary with recommendations and a second follow-up discussion. Specific practice guidance is identified for the provider (Practice Review).  If the provider no longer has use for The Support Platform, they can cancel their subscription and sign up again when needed.


Tier One Subscription: $49 per month

Practice Review: $750

TOTAL COST: $49 per month + $750


Scenario #3
Tier Potential Use of TSP
A solo or small group practice focused on reviewing operations

Tier Two Subscription: $99
Ask a Question: Included
Practice Guidance: Included

Quick Call: Included

Vendor Referrals/Lists: Included

The practice has a quick call and then completes a practice questionnaire for a new practice followed by a discussion, a written summary with recommendations and a second follow-up discussion. Specific practice guidance is identified for the provider (Practice Review). The practice reviews operations and identifies strengths and weaknesses in practice operations, policies and procedures. The practice uses the Vendor Referrals and Vendor Service Lists to compare to current vendors. The practice buys two hours of consulting for assistance with their practice improvement plan. The practice can cancel their subscription to The Support Platform and sign up again when needed.


Tier Two Subscription: $99 per month

Practice Review: $600

Consulting Hours $170 x 2 = $340

TOTAL COST: $99 per month + $940



Scenario #4
Tier Potential Use of TSP

A provider working
starting a new practice

Tier Two Subscription: $99
Ask a Question: Included
Practice Guidance: Included

Quick Call: Included

Vendor Referrals/Lists: Included

The provider has a quick call and then completes a practice questionnaire for a new practice followed by a discussion, a written summary with recommendations and a second follow-up discussion. Specific practice guidance is identified for the provider (Practice Review). The provider continues the Practice Review to develop a Business Plan, which the provider utilizes The Support Platform to produce. The provider contacts Vendor Referrals for pricing and services. The Provider decides if The Support Platform subscription is necessary moving forward.

Tier Two Subscription: $99 per month

Business Plan: $2,750

TOTAL COST: $99 per month + $2,750

Scenario #5
Tier Potential Use of TSP
A solo or small group practice focused on improving operations

Tier Three Subscription: $249*
Practice Review: Included
Practice Audit: Included
Ask a Question: Included
Practice Guidance: Included

Quick Call: Included
Vendor Referrals/Lists: Included

*Three-month commitment

The practice has a quick call and then completes a practice questionnaire for a new practice followed by a discussion, a written summary with recommendations and a second follow-up discussion. Specific practice guidance is identified for the provider (Practice Review). The practice uses the Practice Review to develop an improvement plan for practice operations, policies, procedures and vendors. New projects may require a business plan that the practice can develop or utilize The Support Platform to produce. The practice may use Vendor Referrals and Vendor Service Lists from The Support Platform as needed. The practice can cancel their subscription to The Support Platform after three months and can sign up again when needed. 


Tier Three Subscription: $249 x 3 months

Practice Review: $450

TOTAL COST: $249 per month* + $450

*Three month minimum

Scenario #6
Tier Potential Use of TSP
A business interested in launching a practice model, acquiring a practice or providing consulting services.

Tier Three Subscription: $249*
Practice Review: Included
Practice Audit: Included
Ask a Question: Included
Practice Guidance: Included

Quick Call: Included
Vendor Referrals/Lists: Included

*Three-month commitment

The Business has a quick call and then purchases five hours of consulting for identification of specific practice guidance and discussion. The business contracts Vendor Service List consultant to develop practice concepts into a business plan with pro formas for practice viability using Vendors Referrals and Vendor Service Lists. The business buys five consulting hours for assistance in developing their practice. The business buys additional user subscriptions for four clients. The business can cancel their subscription to The Support Platform after three months and can sign up again when needed.


Tier Three Subscription: $249 x 3 months
Five Consulting Hours: $700

User Subscriptions 4 x $25: $100

TOTAL COST: $249 per month* + $800

*Three month minimum